Ping Pong Podcast with Nichelle Thomson
Ping Pong Podcast with Sudbury's Nichelle Thomson
Welcome back to another episode of RealRitchie Podcast! Today's episode is a unique one! Tristan does a duo podcast with Nichelle Thomson, the owner of H.E.A.T (Holistically Elite Active Therapy)! Nichelle specializes in chronic pain and strives to help people live better lives by helping them become pain free. Sudbury is lucky to have such an inspiring figure in our city! RealRitchie Podcast is excited to share her story with you all!
Tristan serves Nichelle the first few questions and they dive into what osteopathy is and how she fell in love with her career. Tristan later takes the spotlight and unpacks the meaning and drive behind this quote, "The most dangerous phrase in the English language is, 'we've always done it this way'". This quote perhaps applies to real estate now more than ever before with COVID-19.
Flipping back to Nichelle, she introduces BioFlex Cold Laser Therapy, which makes her completely unique to any other manual osteopath in Sudbury. She also shares a few stories of how this therapy has helped heal previous patients; one of which plays for the Sudbury Wolves. That's right, Nichelle is one of the therapists for the Wolves!
Both Nichelle and Tristan talk about their similar approaches as content creators. Educating via content is not only a huge part of sharing your brand but it also can lead to much bigger things. Nichelle's value has been reached globally and has sparked the desire to travel and continue to teach and share her knowledge.
They touch on several other topics such as finding a 'life-to-work' balance, how the real estate market is being affected, tips for working from home (especially for those of us who are perched over a laptop all day...ouch)! and the power of social media and branding.
This episode has a ton of firey topics bouncing back and forth between two of Sudbury's biggest role models. So, TUNE IN and show your support! Like, share, comment or reach out to both Nichelle and Tristan! Le them know your thoughts on today's episode of RealRitchie Podcast! You can also watch the full episode on Tristan's Youtube Channel!
Feel free to stay inspired and follow Nichelle's socials!
Instagram: @nichellethomson